Bed View
Some nights I go to bed and promise myself that in the morning I am going to get up and go out and get things done. But I often break that promise. There are mornings on my days off that I do nothing but lie in bed. It feels very lazy, and sometimes I feel guilty. But it's also very peaceful. I can hear the day starting all around me. I feel my joints gently throb. Pain isn't always something that makes you suffer. In fact, it can be the only thing that lets you know you are alive when the world is cold and numb. From my bed I can look out the window and see the world go by. It doesn't go by without me, though it can feel it. I'm still a part of it, but today I choice to watch peacefully as I rest so later I can join outside. People often call me a homebody. However, this is far from true: I really love to be out and about. There are times I dread coming home, wishing I had time for one last adventure. But it would be no fair to my body to overwork it. I need to rest.