
Showing posts from October, 2022

Learning to Help Others and Help Myself:

Being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis at any age is rough, but it can be especially challenging in childhood and young adulthood. No one sees the struggle and pain: they see a young face and assume you have the energy and strength of any young person. While I do sometimes appreciate being able to hide my illness, there are lots of times I wish others could see I was struggling. Click here to read the full article at

Good Shoes for Arthritis Shouldn't Have to Break the Bank -

Photo credit: Here's a controversial opinion: good shoes for people with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) do not always have to be expensive. There, I said it. There's a lot to unpack in that statement. I am not implying that any old shoe from the clearance rack will work for you. Nor am I saying that you shouldn't consider investing in well-made orthopedic shoes; footwear is an excellent investment, and some brands are known lifesavers.  Read the full post at