
Showing posts from May, 2015

The Ride for Lyme

I don't normally promote much on this blog, but this is too great not to share. If you've been on my Facebook page, you've seen me share about the Ride for Lyme. But I really want you to know what it's all about, mostly because both Lyme and the Ride for Lyme have been part of my life. Lyme disease is a devastating disease  to have. Even in countries with the greatest of medical care, it can often go undetected and/or under treated. I know many people who are battling Lyme, and it's extremely difficult to treat. A lot of people struggle to be diagnosed in a timely manner, and when they are treated they aren't treated appropriately. It's absolutely life changing in the worst possible way. The Canadian Health Department doesn't recognize Lyme, nor will they treat it. In 2011, Adeline Nohara was diagnosed with Lyme by an American doctor after 18 months of suffering. Today, she is still suffering because of Lyme. In a response to their friend's suffe...


Alright. So, I know one of my past posts made it very clear that I was not going to see another rheumatologist anytime soon. I made it clear that it was not worth it at all to me, and I would not be seeing a new one until I was completely desperate. I saw a new rheumatologist a few weeks ago. As my academic semester winded down, my body began to flare. My feet are giving me the most trouble, and wearing shoes has become a new form of torture. But all my joints are beginning to ache a lot and swell. I've found myself stuck in a few locations because I was too tired and sore to move. Additionally, I had to leave class twice as well, once just to ice my foot (I've rarely resorted to ice). So, I made an appointment with a rheumatologist: an adult rheumatologist, who works at the same hospital (just not in the pediatric wing). She received wonderful reviews online, so I thought I would take the plunge as I became desperate. Her reviews did not deceive either; she was very nic...