"My Meds Ran Out" Survival Guide
You may already know that I take Enbrel for arthritis. You may also know that it's working rather well- granted, I have my bad days but overall my symptoms are more manageable and I get no unpleasant side effects. However, what you did not know was that due to some bad planning ahead I am going to be without Enbrel for about a week and a half. Unfortunately it takes a week without Enbrel to experience symptoms at full force, and takes a week after starting again to get relief. This is going to be a fun three weeks. So, in honour of my 'miscommunication' with the pharmacy, I present to you now the 'My Meds Ran Out' survival guide. Back-Up . Make sure you have any NSAIDs your doctor prescribed or are otherwise able to take. Keep them close by in case you need them. Also, if it helps, write down what times you took them so you know when it should begin to wear off and when it's safe to take another if you need it. Fire and Ice . Have your ice packs and hea...