Arthritis Perks

Let's face it, arthritis isn't a great thing. But there are things I like to call 'Arthritis Perks.' These are nice things that happened because I have arthritis. They definitely don't make up for having to deal with Arthur, but they certainly make things more tolerable- which is why they're 'perks' and not 'advantages.'

Even though I did have a horrendous time with some gym teachers, there were some great ones. They let me participate as I could, and sometimes they'd come right up and say 'Elizabeth, you don't have to do this.' And I was alright with that! A few times when I was in swimming class, we had to swim laps across the pool. After each lap, you had to get out and do ten push ups and ten sit ups. The teachers just let me swim a little, and I was fine with that. Honestly, I had a hard getting out of the pool when I got tired, sit-ups were always painful unless I was on a soft surface and push-ups just aren't possible. But it didn't upset me that I wasn't able to do the sit ups and push ups because I didn't want to do them anyway- I would've looked like some class of dying animal. In front of a class of all boys.

Even though constantly being seen in the hospital isn't terribly fun, I did find ways to make it work. When I was going to absent, I would make sure the days I would miss school would mean I missed things I didn't particularly want to do. Days I had gym class were preferred, as well as Mondays and any day I was supposed to present something. Now, I try to make sure any day I miss is a Friday. That way throughout the week I get everything done, and get a long weekend.

Since I was young, my family (aunts and uncles, not my parents) always expected me to participate in some class of athletic activity. This is because my older female cousins always did dancing lessons, gymnastics or something of the sort. Though I did iceskate for a year and occasionally horseback rode, they didn't feel like that 'counted' and tried to push me into doing whatever my cousins were doing. I was never athletic, and after I was diagnosed with arthritis thankfully they stopped trying to get me to be. I had an excuse to tell them straight out 'no' without attempting to politely tell them I wasn't interested. It was definitely a great to have an excuse!

Sure, it might not be a lot. But it's better than no good at all. When I was younger, I was taught a game where you list all the things you are  optimistic about, even in a negative situation. Even though I have arthritis, I'm glad I have a reason not to play sports that I barely like and that I get a reason to skip a day something. Of course, I'd be happiest without arthritis but I'll take what I can get.


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes you just have to be positive and develop a sense of humor about your health problems. I'm glad that I now have an excuse not to run, because I hated running/jogging before! lol.

    1. It's much easier to look on the bright side.
      Hooray for not having to run, haha. :)


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